Friday, 6 April 2007

Bath Ales Brewery Tour

Last night our local organised a brewery tour to the Bath Ales Brewery. For £6.50 there was a vast amount of drinking and a talk by one of the Directors, Richard (pictured below). Richard was quiet, interesting man, who did his best to compete with the increasingly loud, and sometimes overbearing, audience.

Talking to people on the tour, it was interesting to see how they each got different things out of it. A few red-nosed glassy-eyed men were clearly focused on getting as much down them as possible, having calculated that the alcohol / price ratio made the tour a more profitable exercise than their local trip down the Dog and Duck. One guy who I approached was conducting his engineering analysis of all the structures and welding in the brewery whilst another seemed to be intent on setting up his own brewery and was fixated on the different recipes for the beers.

For my sins, I caught myself asking about the business. The margins, the market, the operations and distribution. At once I realised that my interest was, sadly, the least interesting of all those present, and decided instead to join the red-nosers in their pursuit of Dionysian bliss.

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